National Certificate Courses

Earn a National Certificate in Agriculture through i3A. Students who meet the minimum enrollment criteria can attend individuals learning modules or a series of modules that, upon successful completion, lead to a National Certificate in Agriculture. The Programme is ideal for school leavers and individuals in employment.

Overview of National Certificate Courses

A National Certificate (NQF Level 5) qualification forms part of the Higher Education and Training in South Africa. This qualification can only be achieved after completing a senior certificate (Grade 12) at school or trade certification. This qualification focus on occupational knowledge and skills required to execute tasks in the workplace effectively. This qualification is designed for the South African work context and may not be relevant outside the country.



A learner assessed against this National Certificate: Plant Production (SAQA ID: 48976) will have the necessary competence to participate as part of a working team, performing the agricultural processes as applicable to Animal production in an established and familiar context under general supervision.

A Qualifying Learner will be able to perform directed activities and take responsibility for the guiding others at lower level within a Animal Production context.


Areas of Specialisation
The area of specialisation allows students to specialise in regional plant production thus making their training more effective by combining general required knowledge with regional specialisation.

  • Small stock production,
  • Large stock production,
  • Dairy production,
  • Pig production,
  • Poultry production,
  • Game,
  • Aqua / mari culture,
  • Commercial insects
  • Animal fibres harvesting,
  • Bee keeping,
  • Natural resources harvesting
  • Organic production,
  • Perma-culture production



Ideal for:

  • Junior farm labourers who wish to progress to the level of Labourer within farming operations in Animal Production;
  • Farm owners, in possession of an equivalent qualification at NQF 1;
  • Learners in possession of different levels of practical experience in farming operations, which will be assessed and RPL’ed;
  • Possible candidates for promotion identified by the community as leaders.
  • School leavers



Minimum Requirements
Individuals with a Grade 10; ABET Level 4 or higher education


A learner assessed as competent against the National Certificate: Animal Production (SAQA ID: 49048) will have the necessary competence to supervise and lead a working team performing the agricultural processes as applicable to animal husbandry. The learner will also be able to adhere to and implement according to the level of supervision as well as the relevant quality, safety and hygiene standards as applicable within the industry.

In addition they will be well positioned to extend their learning and practice into other areas of agricultural commodities within a context of either agronomy, or horticulture as applicable to the agricultural commodity, or to strive towards agricultural management standards and practice at higher levels.


Areas of Specialisation
The area of specialisation allows students to specialise in regional plant production thus making their training more effective by combining general required knowledge with regional specialisation.

  • Organic production
  • Hydroponic production
  • Perma-culture production
  • Agronomy
  • Horticulture
  • Natural resources harvesting


Ideal for:

  • Farm operators who wish to progress to the level of supervisor within farming operations in Animal Production;
  • Farm owners, in possession of an equivalent qualification at NQF 2;
  • Learners in possession of different levels of practical experience in farming operations, which will be assessed and RPL’ed;
  • Possible candidates for promotion identified by the community as leaders.



Minimum Requirements
Individuals with a Grade 11; ABET Level 4 or higher education

Individuals with NQF Level 2 – Numeracy, literacy and communication

Individuals with NQF Level 2 – technical skills pertaining to agricultural activities


A learner assessed as competent in the National Certificate: Animal Production [SAQA: 48979] will have the necessary competence to manage Supervisors and working teams, performing the agricultural processes as applicable to Animal production in a range of Animal Production taking responsibility for the quality and quantity of outputs. The Learner will be able to take complete responsibility for her/his own actions and also take responsibility for supervising others at lower levels within an Animal Production context under broad guidance and evaluation.

In addition they will be well positioned to extend their learning and practice into other areas of agricultural commodities within a context of either agronomy, or horticulture as applicable to the agricultural commodity, or to strive towards agricultural management standards and practice at higher levels.


Areas of Specialisation
The area of specialisation allows students to specialise in regional plant production thus making their training more effective by combining general required knowledge with regional specialisation.

  • Small stock production,
  • Large stock production,
  • Dairy production,
  • Pig production,
  • Poultry production,
  • Game,
  • Aqua / mari culture,
  • Commercial insects
  • Animal fibres harvesting,
  • Bee keeping,
  • Natural resources harvesting
  • Organic production,
  • Perma-culture production,
  • Eco/Agri Tourism,
  • Agro Chemicals,
  • Horse Breeding



Ideal for:

  • Farm operators who wish to progress to the level of junior farm manager
  • Learners in possession of different levels of practical experience in farming operations, which will be assessed and RPL’ed
  • School leavers (Gr. 12) from agricultural schools



Minimum Requirements
Individuals with a Grade 12

Individuals with NQF Level 2 – Numeracy, literacy and communication

Individuals with NQF Level 3 – technical skills pertaining to agricultural activities